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Monday, March 16, 2015

Watch: Craigslist Ad Seeks Ukrainian Role Players for US Training: 'No, No, No'

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Transcript for Craigslist Ad Seeks Ukrainian Role Players for US Training: ‘No, No, No’

God I. There’s this job offer submitted by company called glass here technology solutions that claims to be working directly with the US Marine Corps. And it says that they’re looking for ruled clears for men of Ukrainian and all Russian ethnicity and language skills to quote. The system Marine Corps would be or language and culture immersive simulation training program. Is the US preparing to us and reuse he Ukraine. No but I would refer you to the Department of Defense for any information on that report gives me no speak on their behalf. Do you mind under loses a Craigslist. Are right correct this. There’s in his that it from San Diego. Well one iota and every Craigslist as I remembered an editing and it’s a move. There is such training probe I find a lot of things on Craigslist her to believe how. Specifically this. Many things are hard to believe on Craigslist but again at a point in the Department of Defense meant sure they can get you quickly. If you are not aware of and east big department program it would not be it would be it might even come clean out but no way to know it along. DC. It is gone through the baltics pitched. Well I think were referring to different things hearsay it’s. You play to resolve the conflict you think other things. Diplomatically. Through the Minsk of treatment. Well certainly our focus is on and I think the secretary and many other high level United States officials have conveyed that are our. Belief is that a diplomatic process the implementation of the Minsk agreement. The several components at that that. Need to continue. To be put in places is what we think is the best best path Boortz that’s where focus remains. Under under what circumstances would the two lists and troops in Queens equal that’s not something we’re considering sun up and speak to that. There’s a report that at Russian president violence hasn’t seen in public for a week to State Department had any idea Larry is what he’s up to you. I believe the Kremlin has spoken to this and so I would point to that you don’t have any reaction I don’t have anymore information out there. Greta it. Have virtually nothing to do more different subjects in the same assemblage and aggression and you couldn’t. A ceemea. An arson diploma. Accused the United States and violating the and BTU. The theaters by to mean. I looked. Rome a lot of nations accuse the so called June nuclear ambitions. Virtually to being legal fight looks. To use nuclear weapons would concede to this very serious violation of the MPT do. It is loans I had not even in this report we’re happy to take a look at it. It is doing. And other and that sort the I will keep coaching these are. Another cooled comes photo moderated. I immediately mean that the new office in. City’s general. Who does stage skills. Who said don’t faux news quote the only way the United States concurrent defense. In the city jump I mean Ukraine. And children that died is start healing the Russians. Killing the questions by killing so many lessons that the U on the national media and just so. Is is that them appropriate. What. Well first it sounds like you’re referring to are retired. Individual he does not speak for the United States government and certainly that is not consistent with our beliefs and so when that arsons. It’s. Please. Such. Statements. Could result told the traditional line against rushing it through sport you. Do you can be absolutely clear that individuals not speaking on behalf of the United States government god yeah. Okay. Are you quoting from other percent. Well yes and collection okay in this case and we will get. And again Wikipedia and that this is this case I’m I’m coaching the State Department. Excluding unloved but we will know yes we. Poor. Subjectivity contest dominion two lead counselor and effort is spending too much force cocaine saying in part quote. In this the nuclear in the us and its separatist Bartlett’s unleashed unspeakable violence and do which. MH seventy and was sure of though. Now. Six days leave them marched down senate foreign relations front. Again and excluded in the eastern nuclear in the ascendant separate apartments unleashed unspeakable violence and you which falls well. This manufactured. Conflict and then she went on there this. I need it about image than when you will show definite of course we are seeing what’s his blue. She does not claim genetically. That the separatist. Shall be bound to please she just its being in Paris and that that. So but then in the senate hearing. That the individuals. Did he took. Your foreign library frankly I question it’s actually it’s not meet its in the community and global report. Found it and I’ve found Hughes. Actually Hebrew Monday he didn’t. So anyway here I didn’t let any of the question is why was a diligent. Why was what toll aren’t why was this reference to of the plane being shot down. Did he took from to separate the second just to minions against the troops. I can’t speak to specific testimony isn’t always been different remarks and they found pretty consistent tomato do you do you know all the doom always there if you bringing you information. On that that the so. And don’t have no information now. I’m that official position on that because fortunes don’t. God. I guess quote that her for is sure practice. The commander of NORAD at long Courtney and is testifying yesterday that believed the for congress and he’s sad that he noted concerns that precious developing. Significant new capabilities which she said it’s continued on that track potentially threaten the security North America specifically. With response he’s long range conventionally armed cruise missiles is his concern something that the State Department shares and as it so it is that something that secretary Kerry against. I discussed with his counterpart well certainly that would be a concern appropriately expressed through the Department of Defense so I would refer you to them I don’t have any more specifics from here so you can’t say whether or not just something that secretary Kerry has brought up at his counterpart I don’t have anymore. You mentioned in the past two days that there isn’t what we were there it was not a threat. A Russian thing through to begin when all along. Already talked blunt saying that you know then this new it weapons he’s saying that it poses a threat or. Added threat. That had that been all along I then adapt Intercontinental missile and nuclear bombs leveled. Okay. Sure it is there are concerned that happens. Recent Russian posturing is. Returned yesterday geopolitical. Situation similar to what we saw on Cold War we certainly wouldn’t put in those terms obviously the secretary raises issues as. It’s appropriate through diplomatic channels they don’t always talk about those but in this these are comments by the north commander at a point at the Department of Defense.

This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.

“id”:29653311,”title”:”Craigslist Ad Seeks Ukrainian Role Players for US Training: ‘No, No, No"”,”duration”:”7:41″,”description”:”Jen Psaki answers questions related to the situation in Ukraine during a department briefing. “,”url”:”/Politics/video/craigslist-ad-seeks-ukrainian-role-players-us-training-29653311″,”section”:”Politics”,”mediaType”:”Default”

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Watch: Craigslist Ad Seeks Ukrainian Role Players for US Training: "No, No, No"

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